On November 28 2007, Jim Prentice, the federal Minister of Industry, released details of the proposed auction of advanced wireless services (AWS) spectrum to be held on May 27, 2008. About 40% of the 105 MHz of AWS to be auctioned will be reserved for new entrants, with the balance to be open to all bidders, including the three large current wireless providers in Canada, Rogers, Bell and Telus. Among other conditions, roaming agreements will be required, in order to force the incumbents to share their existing networks with newcomers for five years, plus an additional five-year period if new entrants can build up their own national networks. Reaction to the announcement also covered a wide spectrum, ranging from sharp criticism of the structuring of the auction to enthusiastic support for the prospect of lower wireless phone rates. For three news reports of reaction to the announcement, visit http://tinyurl.com/2fmldc; http://www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2007/11/28/auction.html?ref=rss; and http://www.nationalpost.com/rss/story.html?id=132741 For the News release from Industry Canada, including a backgrounder, see: http://tinyurl.com/2o5p5o Summary by: The Editor


07 12 05

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