German Court Holds that Meta—Search Engines Responsible for Content

The meta-search engine "Sharelook" is liable for defamatory content, a Berlin court has ruled. The suit involved a popular local television host, Babette Einstmann, whose name appeared connected to an online adult site when the search term "naked" was entered. Meta-search engines combine content from other search engines, and display it for the user. The court held that despite the fact that the meta-search engine uses no databases to keep search results, once it is aware of it, it must filter out defamatory content. The decision (Einstmann v Sharelook Beteiligungen GmbH, LG Berlin, No 27 O 45/05, 2/22/050) is available in German at the Web site of the defendant's attorney, Withoeft Terhaag, Summary by: James Kosa

ETips Issue

05 04 13

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