ID Theft Insurance Now Available

One of the largest insurance companies in the US, MetLife Inc, has a new program for its nearly one million homeowner and renter insurance policyholders – free assistance to resolve identity theft cases. The program, which will be outsourced to a company that specializes in ID theft resolution services, will include preparing affidavits, notifying the police and contacting credit bureaus on behalf of the victimized policyholder. Although several insurance companies already sell ID theft coverage, this program would be the first to help consumers resolve their complaints at no added cost to them. This announcement follows on the heels of the disclosure by several data collection companies that thousands of records containing consumers' personal information were accessed by thieves (see E-TIPSâ„¢ Vol 3 No 19, March 9, 2005). ID theft now ranks first on the list of frauds that are reported to the Federal Trade Commission. For news stories about MetLife's program, see: For more information about ID Theft and the Federal Trade Commission, visit: Summary by: Clare McCurley

ETips Issue

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