UK Government Launches Consultation On Copyright, Patents, And AI

On October 29, 2021, the UK Intellectual Property Office (UKIPO) launched a consultation on how copyright and patent legislation should deal with artificial intelligence (AI).

The consultation was launched as part of the UK government’s Innovation Strategy, which aims to promote innovation-led growth and boost private sector investment across the UK. The UK government stated that one of its objectives is to “encourage innovation in AI technology and promote its use for the public good” while also preserving “the central role of intellectual property (IP) in promoting human creativity and innovation”.

The UK government previously conducted an open consultation on the impact of AI on IP policy and reported the results in March 2021, as reported by the E-TIPS® newsletter here. During that consultation, questions were raised regarding the balance and protection of human works and AI works within the copyright system, and the use of copyright material in machine learning. This consultation therefore seeks to collect evidence and perspectives in order to address these issues.

In addition, the consultation aims to address issues such as the extent to which patents and copyright should protect inventions and creative works made by AI, and what measures may help to facilitate the use of copyright-protected material in AI development.  The consultation will last for 10 weeks, ending on January 7, 2022.

Summary By: Steffi Tran

ETips Issue

21 11 10

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E-TIPS is a registered trade-mark of Deeth Williams Wall LLP.