UK Court Rules That The Da Vinci Code Not a Copy UK Court Rules That The Da Vinci Code Not a Copy

April 12, 2006April 12, 20062015-07-08
The English High Court, in its Chancery Division, has rejected a copyright infringement suit brought by plaintiffs Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh, authors of the 1982 non-fiction book The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, against the British publishers of Dan Brown's bestseller The Da Vinci Code.
Deeth Williams Wall

The Spotlight Refocuses on Net Neutrality The Spotlight Refocuses on Net Neutrality

April 12, 2006April 12, 20062015-07-08
"Net Neutrality" refers to the concept that a network should be blind to the content it carries, in order to encourage efficient and innovative use of the network. The Internet has historically been largely neutral to the content it carries, but broadband providers have recently begun exploring methods to offer different levels of network performance based on the type of content being transmitted.
Deeth Williams Wall

The Canadian Online Pharmacy Sector: New Economic Forces at Work The Canadian Online Pharmacy Sector: New Economic Forces at Work

Food and Drug
April 12, 2006April 12, 20062015-07-08
According to a recent article in The New York Times, like so many other industry sectors that are dependent on the Internet, online pharmacies that sprung up in Canada over the past several years to serve international markets are now being pressed to adapt to fast-changing conditions.
Deeth Williams Wall

Transborder Data Flows are the Subject of a Canadian Government Policy Document Transborder Data Flows are the Subject of a Canadian Government Policy Document

April 12, 2006April 12, 20062015-07-08
In order to update the Canadian Parliament and the public generally on the federal strategy regarding privacy concerns about the transborder and extraterritorial implications of the USA Patriot Act (Act) and the possibility that foreign legislation could affect the protection of Canadians' personal information, the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat issued a report (Report) on March 28, 2006.
Deeth Williams Wall

Fundamental Changes Looming in Canadian Telecom Policy Fundamental Changes Looming in Canadian Telecom Policy

March 29, 2006March 29, 20062015-07-08
The convergence of the newly-released Report from the Telecommunications Policy Review Panel (Panel) and recent comments of the Minister of Industry make it likely that the Canadian telecommunications sector will soon undergo fundamental changes, including relaxation of foreign ownership restrictions.
Deeth Williams Wall

Federal Court of Appeal Dismisses Appeal to Have Formulation Patent Listed on the Patent Register Federal Court of Appeal Dismisses Appeal to Have Formulation Patent Listed on the Patent Register

March 29, 2006March 29, 20062015-07-08
On March 13, 2006, in Biovail Corporation v Canada (Minister of National Health and Welfare) 2006 FCA 105, the Federal Court of Appeal affirmed a decision of the Federal Court dismissing an application by Biovail Corporation (Biovail) for judicial review of the Minister of Health's (Minister) refusal to list a patent on the Patent Register.
Deeth Williams Wall

French Lawmakers Vote Oui to Online Copyright Bill French Lawmakers Vote Oui to Online Copyright Bill

March 29, 2006March 29, 20062015-09-23
On March 21st, French lawmakers approved legislation that would force Apple Computer Inc (Apple), Sony Corp, and other digital content providers to share copy-protection technologies with their rivals. The bill is designed to prevent the control of the online music market by any single music-playing technology.
Deeth Williams Wall

Federal Court of Canada Fines a Company Close to One Million Dollars as Penalty for Failing to Pay Copyright Levy Federal Court of Canada Fines a Company Close to One Million Dollars as Penalty for Failing to Pay Copyri...

March 29, 2006March 29, 20062015-09-23
On March 3, in Canadian Private Copying Collective v 9087-0718 Québec Inc, the Federal Court of Canada held that 9087-0718 Québec Inc (Numbered Company) was subject to penalty under section 88(2) of the Copyright Act (Act) for failing to pay the private copying levy under Part VIII of the Act in the amount of $900,123.77.
Deeth Williams Wall

Google Required To Produce Documents to US DOJ Google Required To Produce Documents to US DOJ

March 29, 2006March 29, 20062015-09-23
E-TIPS® recently reported (Vol 4, No 15, February 1, 2006) that the US Department of Justice (DOJ), in an effort to collect data to defend the Child Online Protection Act, had filed a motion to compel Google Inc (Google) to turn over information on millions of its users' search queries.
Deeth Williams Wall

UK Announces Independent Review of its Intellectual Property Regime UK Announces Independent Review of its Intellectual Property Regime

Intellectual Property
March 29, 2006March 29, 20062015-07-08
The UK Chancellor of the Exchequer, Gordon Brown, has commissioned an Independent Review (Review) of the country's intellectual property regime to determine whether it is effectively encouraging innovation. Appointed to lead the Review is Andrew Gowers, the former editor of the London-based financial newspaper, Financial Times.
Deeth Williams Wall

RIM/NTP Dispute Generates Calls for Patent Reform RIM/NTP Dispute Generates Calls for Patent Reform

March 15, 2006March 15, 20062015-07-08
Research in Motion Inc (RIM) has settled its long-running patent dispute with NTP with a US$ 613 million licencing deal. The case has prompted some commentators to question the viability of certain aspects of the current US patent system.
Deeth Williams Wall

A Federal Court of Canada Reminder: Anton Pillar Orders are to be Granted only in Exceptional Circumstances A Federal Court of Canada Reminder: Anton Pillar Orders are to be Granted only in Exceptional Circumstanc...

March 15, 2006March 15, 20062015-07-08
Recently, Justice Roger Hughes of the Federal Court signaled that in considering whether to grant an extraordinary pre-trial inspection order (Anton Piller Order), such an Order should be granted "only in the most exceptional circumstances".
Deeth Williams Wall

Spain Launches Electronic National Identity Card Spain Launches Electronic National Identity Card

Information Technology
March 15, 2006March 15, 20062015-07-08
The new Spanish electronic National Identity Card aims to provide secure identification and authentication for a variety of online transactions, from e-government services to e-commerce and Internet banking. The card, about the size of a credit card, contains a microchip which will store an electronic certificate to authenticate the identity of the cardholder, as well as a digital signature, a digitized fingerprint and a photograph of the cardholder. The current cost estimate of the card rollout is nearly 150 million euros.
Deeth Williams Wall

EU Body Issues Opinion on E-Mail Filtering EU Body Issues Opinion on E-Mail Filtering

Information Technology
March 15, 2006March 15, 20062015-07-08
Recently, on February 21, the European Union's Working Party on the Protection of Individuals with Regard to the Processing of Personal Data (Working Party) adopted an Opinion on privacy issues related to the provision of e-mail screening services.
Deeth Williams Wall

Toronto Hydro Plans City-Wide Wireless Hot Spot Toronto Hydro Plans City-Wide Wireless Hot Spot

March 15, 2006March 15, 20062015-07-08
Toronto Hydro has announced that it plans to implement a city-wide system of low-cost, wireless Internet access for Torontonians. It intends to mount Wi-Fi transceivers on hydro towers and poles around Toronto, as part of a plan to implement smart hydro meters. In Canada, Fredericton has had a similar network since 2004, and a number of US cities, Philadelphia and San Francisco among them, are planning to implement wireless networks of their own.
Deeth Williams Wall

US Supreme Court Rejects Long-Standing Presumption of Tying in Patent Cases US Supreme Court Rejects Long-Standing Presumption of Tying in Patent Cases

March 15, 2006March 15, 20062015-09-23
In a unanimous (8-0) ruling, the US Supreme Court has overturned a long-held assumption that in competition law cases holders of rights to patents or copyright, by reason of their intellectual property rights, are exercising market power. In future anti-trust cases, plaintiffs who assert anti-competitive "tying" arrangements will have to tender convincing evidence that the alleged violator was in fact exercising power in the marketplace in relation to the protected product.
Deeth Williams Wall

Canada Muses on National ID Cards Canada Muses on National ID Cards

March 1, 2006March 1, 20062015-09-23
The Minister of Public Safety, Stockwell Day, said in a press interview published on February 22 that the implementation of some form of national identification card for Canadians is inevitable. The ID cards may contain biometric data or other technological features which would uniquely identify an individual. They would be used instead of a passport at the border, with the twin goal of letting law abiding citizens pass though quickly and keeping out those who pose a security threat.
Deeth Williams Wall

Canadian CEOs Call for Tax Exemption on IP Income Canadian CEOs Call for Tax Exemption on IP Income

Intellectual Property
March 1, 2006March 1, 20062015-07-08
Some of Canada's most influential business executives have called on the federal government to increase tax exemptions for income derived from intellectual property. The Canadian Council of Chief Executives (Council) argued that the tax burden on economic gains derived from artistic and cultural creativity affects not only business enterprises, but also has a negative impact on Canada's attractiveness as a destination of choice for skilled persons.
Deeth Williams Wall

Several Rule Changes under Consideration by the USPTO Several Rule Changes under Consideration by the USPTO

March 1, 2006March 1, 20062015-07-08
In an effort to increase the efficiency of the US patent examination process, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has recently proposed two significant changes to its rules of practice. One change affects the number of claims that may be filed in any application, and the other affects the number of add-on applications that may be filed by an applicant.
Deeth Williams Wall

US Court Finds Corporation not Negligent for Failing to Encrypt Database US Court Finds Corporation not Negligent for Failing to Encrypt Database

March 1, 2006March 1, 20062015-07-08
On a summary motion, a US District Court Judge in Minnesota has found that an employer was not negligent when an employee's laptop computer containing a customer's personal information was stolen from his home, and further found that there was no duty to see that the personal data was encrypted.
Deeth Williams Wall

Disclaimer: This Newsletter is intended to provide readers with general information on legal developments in the areas of e-commerce, information technology and intellectual property. It is not intended to be a complete statement of the law, nor is it intended to provide legal advice. No person should act or rely upon the information contained in this newsletter without seeking legal advice.

E-TIPS is a registered trade-mark of Deeth Williams Wall LLP.