Flying Business Card Receives an Industrial Design Registration

On December 8, 2020, Deeth Williams Wall LLP received an industrial design registration for its distinctive business card.  The novelty promotional card has a unique appearance that quite literally flies out of your hand.

What is so unique about a business card?  Hashim Ghazi, associate at Deeth Williams Wall and member of the design team, explains, “the business card contains tear away strips and fold lines that guide the user to turn the card into a paper airplane.”

“We wanted a card that would be fun, different… something that people would enjoy taking home with them” said DWW co-founder Amy-Lynne Williams. This idea took the firm on a journey to find a card that would be distinctive enough to meet that criteria, and they found it in the form of a paper airplane.

The paper airplane uses the tag line “Helping your ideas take flight,” that has been used by the firm for over a decade.  The marketing team decided that there had to be a paper airplane incorporated into the design. They hired an outside design firm to make their dreams a reality.

“Finding the perfect design took our team many hours of painstaking research,” noted DWW associate and member of the design team, Jennifer Davidson, “but in the end we knew we had it right when we watched the cards fly around the room at a tech conference. Our colleagues and clients couldn’t get enough of it.”

Industrial designs protect a product’s unique appearance. The Industrial Design Act, RSC 1985, c I-9, confers exclusive right for the three-dimensional features of shape and configuration as well as the two-dimensional features such as patterns and ornaments, including colour, applied to a finished article.

Click here for more information about DWW’s industrial design registration.

To learn more about the paper-airplane business card, please see:

Summary By: Jennifer Davidson

ETips Issue

20 12 16

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E-TIPS is a registered trade-mark of Deeth Williams Wall LLP.