April 7, 2021
Hashim Ghazi will be co-chairing the Ontario Bar Association's 2021 program: "Service Providers' Obligations Under Bill C-11" on April 7, 2021 from 10:00-11:00AM (ET). 
March 16, 2021
Hashim Ghazi will be moderating a roundtable on the legal issues surrounding making websites accessible to persons with disabilities hosted by the CAN-TECH on Tuesday, March 16, 2021. 
December 2, 2020
Jennifer R. Davidson to co-chair the Ontario Bar Association's 2020 program: The "Next Normal" : Emerging Technologies for Today's Challenges on December 2, 2020 from 12:00 pm - 2:00pm (ET)
November 18, 2020
Richard Austin and Jennifer Davidson will speak on Cyber Challenges Presented by Remote Employees at the Legal Issues in Privacy & Cyber
November 13, 2020
Jennifer Davidson will be speaking at the International TecXposition Conference on Friday, November 13, 2020.
November 2, 2020
Richard Austin and Jennifer Davidson will speak at the upcoming Canadian Technology Law Association (CAN-TECH) Annual Conference, to be held virtually on November 2nd and 3rd, 2020.
October 6, 2020
Richard Austin and Jennifer R Davidson will deliver an update on Privacy and Cyber Security for Regulated Professional Bodi
May 21, 2020
Deeth Williams Wall associate Jennifer Davidson has joined the program faculty of the Osgoode Professional Development Certificate Program entitled Negotiating and Drafting IT Agreements.
Get Up to Speed: Video Conferencing Solutions for Your Practice Before mid-March, your daily routine may have involved some remote interaction with clients, lawyers and other stakeholders.
February 12, 2020
Richard Austin and Jennifer Davidson will be discussing accountability and risk in third party relationships in a lecture entitled "Where Does Accountability and
February 5, 2020
Jennifer R. Davidson will be co-chairing CAN-TECH’s upcoming event “The Artificial Inventor? A panel discussion on patenting AI-generated inventions with World-Renowned Professor Ryan Abbott” on February 5, 2020.
February 4, 2020
Jennifer R. Davidson to co-chair the Ontario Bar Association's Institute 2020 program: The Future of Innovation: Fundamental Shifts in IP and IT Law, on February 4, 2020.
November 21, 2019
Jennifer R Davidson will be co-chairing CAN-TECH’s Women in Technology’s event "Disrupting Bias — Overcoming Our Discomfort with Differences" with award-winning life coach and author Ritu Bhasin, in Toronto on November 21, 2019.
November 19, 2019
Richard Austin will be speaking on “Third Party Contracts: How Well Are You Protecting Client/Confidential Information in the Hands of Your Third Party Providers Inside and Outside Canada?” at INFONEX's Legal Issues in Privacy &am
October 28, 2019
Amy-Lynne Williams will be participating in a panel on “Professional Responsibility in the Digital Age” at CAN-TECH's 23rd Annual Conference in Toronto on October 28th, 2019.
October 28, 2019
Jennifer Davidson will be moderating the Microsoft Women in Tech Luncheon Panel on "Leaders in Tech: Building Dynamic Inclusive Cultures" at CAN-TECH's 23rd Annual Conference in Toronto on October 28th, 2019.
October 28, 2019
Richard Austin will be participating in a panel on “The Artificial Intelligence World: Emerging Issues” at CAN-TECH's 23rd Annual Conference in Toronto on October 28th, 2019.
October 10, 2019
Jennifer Davidson will be speaking on "Selling Digital Change" at the 2019 Emerging Legal Technology Forum on October 10th at Arcadian Loft in Toronto. Program description below:
May 17, 2019
Richard Austin will be moderating a panel titled “AI on the Case: The Legal and Ethical Issues of Using AI-powered Investigatory Tools for Criminal and Civil Matters” at ITECHLAW’s 2019 World Technology Law Conference in Boston.
May 16, 2019
Data breaches are a constant threat in today’s digital world. The question is when, not if, your client is targeted. An organization’s true measure of resiliency from a cybersecurity attack is an effective response that limits unexpected variables.